At this time, if you would like to use Figma, your individual team (or designer) will need to sign up independently. Figma is free to use for those in education. Teams at Stanford can employ the Decanter component library by copying and pasting elements from Decanter into their own projects. But please note, this process may require manual updates in the future as the design library evolves.
Please contact us on Slack if you would like more information, or email Kerri Augenstein. (The copy and paste process will be manual, and require connection with a design team member at Stanford Web Services.)
Community contribution
Having a shared central starting point for all Stanford digital design provides us the opportunity to share our work quickly and easily. Though the Decanter Design System is intentionally meant to be a baseline framework—deliberately simple and succinct—that doesn’t mean that new custom libraries we create for other purposes cannot be shared between us as well.